1. Open File Manager: Open File Manager

2. Select Only Images (multiple selection):

3. Select Only Videos in POP-UP:

4. Select All Files (relative path):
6.So if you want use filemanager in a multiuser CMS you can simply create a folder for each user and set a session variable ($_SESSION['RF']['subfolder']) with the name of the user folder. 7. You can use normal pop-up, Bootstrap modal, iframe, FancyBox iframe, Lightbox iframe to open the FileManager with these paths: Only open filemanager(type=0 and not set field_id): path to filemanager../filemanager/dialog.php?type=0&fldr= Select Image: (type=1 and set id of input text in field_id variable): path to filemanager../filemanager/dialog.php?type=1&field_id=fieldID Select Video: (type=3 and set id of input text in field_id variable): path to filemanager../filemanager/dialog.php?type=3&field_id=fieldID Select File: (type=2 and set id of input text in field_id variable): path to filemanager../filemanager/dialog.php?type=2&field_id=fieldID Get Variables list type: the type of filemanager (1:images files 2:all files 3:video files) fldr: the folder where i enter (the root folder remains the same). default="" sort_by: the element to sorting (values: name,size,extension,date) default="" descending: descending? or ascending (values=1 or 0) default="0" lang: the language code (ex: &lang=en_EN). default="en_EN" relative_url: should be added to the request with a value of "1" when opening RFM. Otherwise returned URL-s will be absolute. extensions: a json encoded array of available files extensions (ex: &extensions=["pdf",'doc']) If you want use popup add in the address &popup=1 PS If you want to force loading at root set fldr to / In demo page i used FancyBox with this configuration: $('.iframe-btn').fancybox({ 'width' : 900, 'height' : 600, 'type' : 'iframe', 'autoScale' : false }); Bootstrap => https://twitter.github.io/bootstrap/ Featherlight => https://github.com/noelboss/featherlight Dropzonejs => http://www.dropzonejs.com/ Fancybox => http://fancybox.net/ TouchSwipe => http://labs.rampinteractive.co.uk/touchSwipe/demos/ PHP Image Magician => http://phpimagemagician.jarrodoberto.com/ Mini icons => http://www.fatcow.com/free-icons‎ JUpload => http://jupload.sourceforge.net/ Bootbox => http://bootboxjs.com/ jQuery contextMenu => https://swisnl.github.io/jQuery-contextMenu/ Bootstrap-modal => https://github.com/jschr/bootstrap-modal jPlayer => https://jplayer.org/ Lazy Load => https://www.andreaverlicchi.eu/lazyload/ jQuery-File-Upload => https://github.com/blueimp/jQuery-File-Upload